Different file format used in spark

It is important to decide the file format before developing the spark project.It based on the choice between them often depends on specific use cases, compatibility with processing engines, and individual performance characteristics. It’s not uncommon for organizations to choose one over the other based on their specific requirements and existing technology stack.

  1. Storage Size:
  2. Processing speed:
  3. Evaluating Schema:
  4. Read Optimise:
  5. Write Optimise:
  6. Compression:
  7. Selection of column at read:


The Parquet file format is a columnar storage format designed for efficient processing and storage of large datasets. It is widely used in the big data ecosystem, especially with frameworks like Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache Impala, and others. Here are some key characteristics and features of the Parquet file format:

  1. Columnar Storage:Parquet stores data in a columnar format, which means that values from the same column are stored together. This allows for better compression, as similar data types are grouped together, and it facilitates more efficient processing for analytical queries.
  2. Compression:Parquet supports various compression algorithms, such as Snappy, Gzip, and LZO. This allows users to choose the compression method that best suits their performance and storage requirements.
  3. Schema Evolution:Parquet supports schema evolution, allowing users to add, remove, or modify columns without requiring a rewrite of the entire dataset. This feature is crucial for evolving data over time without disrupting existing workflows.
  4. Data Types: Parquet supports a wide range of data types, including primitive types (integer, float, double, string, etc.) and complex types (arrays, maps, structs). This flexibility makes it suitable for diverse datasets.
  5. Metadata: Parquet files contain metadata in the form of file and page-level statistics, min/max values, and other information. This metadata is useful for query optimization and can enhance performance.
  6. Compatibility: Parquet is designed to be language-agnostic and is supported by various programming languages and big data processing frameworks. It can be used with Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache Impala, Apache Drill, and other tools.
  7. Splitting and Partitioning:Parquet files can be easily split, allowing parallel processing in distributed computing environments. Additionally, Parquet supports partitioning, which can further improve query performance by restricting the amount of data that needs to be scanned.
  8. Performance:The columnar storage and compression features of Parquet contribute to efficient query performance, especially for analytics and data processing workloads. It enables systems to read only the specific columns needed for a query, reducing I/O overhead.
  9. Open Standard:Parquet is an open standard and is part of the Apache Arrow project. This ensures that it is well-maintained, widely adopted, and supported by a large community of developers.


The ORC (Optimized Row Columnar) file format is a columnar storage file format designed for efficient storage and processing of large datasets in Hadoop ecosystems. It was developed by the Apache Software Foundation and is widely used with Apache Hive, a data warehousing and SQL-like query language for Hadoop.

Here are some key characteristics and features of the ORC file format:

  1. Columnar Storage:Similar to Parquet, ORC stores data in a columnar format, where values from the same column are stored together. This columnar storage facilitates better compression and improves query performance, especially for analytical queries that involve reading only specific columns.
  2. Compression:ORC supports various compression algorithms, including Zlib, Snappy, and LZO. Users can choose the compression method based on their performance and storage requirements.
  3. Predicate Pushdown:ORC supports predicate pushdown, a feature that allows filtering to be performed at the storage level before data is read. This can significantly improve query performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed.
  4. Lightweight Indexing:ORC files include lightweight indexes, such as bloom filters and min/max statistics, which help skip unnecessary disk reads during query execution. These indexes contribute to faster query performance.
  5. Schema Evolution:ORC supports schema evolution, allowing users to add, remove, or modify columns without requiring a rewrite of the entire dataset. This flexibility is useful for handling evolving data structures over time.
  6. Data Types:ORC supports a variety of data types, including primitive types (integers, floats, strings, etc.) and complex types (structs, maps, arrays). This makes it suitable for a wide range of use cases and diverse datasets.
  7. Stripe and Row Groups:ORC organizes data into logical units called stripes and row groups. Stripes are larger units that can be processed independently, and row groups within a stripe allow for fine-grained data access. This organization enhances parallel processing capabilities.
  8. Compatibility:ORC is primarily associated with Apache Hive but is also supported by other big data processing frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Impala. This compatibility makes it a versatile choice for users working with different tools in the Hadoop ecosystem.
  9. Performance:The combination of columnar storage, compression, predicate pushdown, and lightweight indexing contributes to efficient query performance for analytical workloads in ORC.


Apache Avro is a binary serialization format developed within the Apache Hadoop project. It is designed to provide a compact, fast, and efficient serialization format for data interchange between systems. Avro is not only a file format but also a data serialization framework with features that make it suitable for various use cases. Here are some key characteristics and features of the Avro file format:

  1. Schema-Based Serialization: Avro uses a JSON-based schema to define the structure of the data. The schema is used for both serialization and deserialization, providing a self-describing format where the schema is embedded with the data.
  2. Data Types:Avro supports a variety of data types, including primitive types (int, long, float, double, boolean, string), complex types (arrays, maps, records), and logical types (such as timestamps and decimals). This flexibility makes it suitable for diverse datasets.
  3. Compact Binary Format: Avro serializes data into a compact binary format, resulting in smaller file sizes compared to some other formats. This efficiency is beneficial for data storage and transmission.
  4. Schema Evolution:Avro supports schema evolution, allowing for the evolution of data over time without breaking compatibility. This includes adding or removing fields, changing data types, and more. The ability to handle schema changes makes Avro suitable for scenarios where data structures may evolve.
  5. Interoperability: Avro is designed to be language-agnostic and supports multiple programming languages, making it suitable for scenarios where different systems implemented in various languages need to exchange data.
  6. Compression: While Avro itself does not specify a compression method, it can be used in conjunction with compression codecs like Snappy or deflate to further reduce file sizes during storage or transmission.
  7. Performance:Avro is designed for fast serialization and deserialization, making it well-suited for use cases where low latency is important, such as in data processing frameworks like Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.
  8. Dynamic Typing:Avro supports dynamic typing, allowing for schema evolution without requiring all systems to be updated simultaneously. This is particularly useful in distributed environments where different components may evolve independently.
  9. Schema Registry:In some implementations, Avro data may be accompanied by a schema registry that centralizes schema management. This allows for schema versioning, validation, and easy access to schema information by different components.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format commonly used in big data environments for various purposes. While JSON itself is a text-based format, it is often used in conjunction with big data processing frameworks to store and exchange semi-structured or unstructured data. Here are some considerations for using JSON in big data:

  1. Data Representation: JSON is a human-readable format that represents data as key-value pairs and supports nested structures. It is commonly used to store semi-structured or unstructured data, which is prevalent in many big data scenarios.
  2. Serialization and Deserialization:JSON data can be easily serialized and deserialized, making it straightforward to convert between JSON and data structures in programming languages. Many big data processing frameworks provide libraries or built-in functionality for working with JSON data.
  3. Schema Flexibility:JSON is schema-less, meaning that it does not require a predefined schema. This flexibility is advantageous when dealing with diverse or evolving data structures common in big data applications.
  4. Schemas and JSON Schema:While JSON itself does not enforce a schema, organizations often use JSON Schema to define and validate the structure of JSON data. JSON Schema provides a way to specify the expected structure, data types, and constraints on JSON documents.
  5. Data Exchange Formats:JSON is commonly used as a data exchange format in web services and APIs. Big data applications often involve the integration of data from various sources, and JSON can facilitate the exchange of data between different systems and platforms.
  6. Integration with NoSQL Databases:Many NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB and Couchbase, use JSON-like document formats for data storage. This enables seamless integration between big data processing frameworks and NoSQL databases.
  7. Processing in Big Data Ecosystems: JSON data can be processed using various big data processing frameworks like Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and others. These frameworks often provide tools and libraries for efficiently handling and manipulating JSON data in distributed computing environments.
  8. Compression: While JSON itself is a text-based format, organizations may use compression techniques (e.g., gzip, Snappy) when storing JSON data in big data storage systems to reduce storage requirements and improve processing performance.
  9. Challenges with Large Volumes: Handling large volumes of JSON data may introduce challenges related to performance and storage efficiency. In some cases, organizations may explore alternative formats like Parquet or ORC for large-scale analytical processing.


CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a simple and widely used file format for storing and exchanging tabular data. It consists of plain text where data values are separated by commas. While CSV is a straightforward format, it is commonly used in big data scenarios for certain use cases. Here are some considerations for using CSV in big data environments:

  1. Simplicity and Human-Readability: CSV is a plain-text format that is human-readable and easy to create and understand. Each line typically represents a record, and fields within a record are separated by commas. This simplicity makes CSV a popular choice for small to medium-sized datasets.
  2. Compatibility: CSV is a universal format and can be easily consumed by a wide range of applications and programming languages. This compatibility makes it suitable for data interchange between different systems, including big data environments.
  3. Data Structure: CSV is suitable for tabular data, where each row represents a record, and columns represent attributes or fields. This structure is common in relational databases and can be useful in scenarios where tabular data is the primary form of representation.
  4. Schema Flexibility: CSV is schema-less, meaning it does not enforce a predefined schema. This flexibility can be beneficial when dealing with diverse or evolving data structures, allowing for the addition or removal of columns without significant changes to the file format.
  5. Ease of Use with Spreadsheet Software: CSV files can be easily opened and edited using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. This makes it a convenient choice for users who may need to inspect or modify the data manually.
  6. Processing in Big Data Ecosystems: Big data processing frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Flink provide tools and libraries for handling CSV data in distributed computing environments. These frameworks can efficiently process large-scale CSV datasets in parallel.
  7. Challenges with Large Volumes: While CSV is suitable for small to medium-sized datasets, it may not be the most efficient format for handling extremely large volumes of data in big data processing scenarios. Other columnar storage formats like Parquet or ORC may be more appropriate for large-scale analytical processing.
  8. Compression: To mitigate the challenges of handling large volumes of CSV data, organizations may use compression techniques (e.g., gzip) when storing CSV files in distributed file systems. Compression can reduce storage requirements and improve processing performance.


In the context of big data, the term text file format usually refers to plain text files that store data in a human-readable format. Text files can be simple and versatile, but they may not be the most efficient for large-scale big data processing due to their lack of structure and serialization efficiency. However, text file formats, such as plain text, can still be used in specific scenarios. Here are some considerations for using text file formats in big data environments:

  1. Human-Readable: Text files, being plain text, are human-readable and can be easily opened and edited using basic text editors. This characteristic makes them convenient for manual inspection and quick data validation.
  2. Line-Delimited Data: Commonly, text files in big data scenarios are line-delimited, where each line represents a record or an entry. This simple structure makes text files suitable for scenarios where records are delimited by newline characters.
  3. Ease of Use with Standard Tools: Text files are compatible with a wide range of standard tools and utilities available in operating systems and programming languages. This compatibility makes text files easy to work with in various environments.
  4. Data Exchange and Integration: Text files can be used for data interchange between different systems and applications. They are supported by many programming languages and data processing tools, allowing for easy integration with diverse systems.
  5. Schema Flexibility: Text files are schema-less, meaning they do not enforce a predefined structure. This flexibility can be beneficial when dealing with diverse or evolving data structures, as there are no strict schema requirements.
  6. Processing in Big Data Ecosystems: Big data processing frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Flink provide tools and libraries for handling plain text data in distributed computing environments. However, due to the lack of structure and serialization efficiency, text files may not be the most performant choice for very large-scale analytical processing.
  7. Challenges with Large Volumes: Text files may pose challenges when dealing with extremely large volumes of data in big data processing scenarios. The lack of compression and columnar storage efficiency can lead to suboptimal performance compared to more structured and optimized formats like Parquet or ORC.
  8. Compression: To address some of the challenges associated with large volumes, organizations may use compression techniques (e.g., gzip) when storing text files in distributed file systems. Compression can reduce storage requirements and improve processing performance.

Difference between Row and Columner file format:

Difference between Avro and parquet file format:

Difference between Parquet and ORC file format:

Both the file format are columnar is nature and used in big data ecosystem and analytics. It is hard to decide which file format is used between both. The difference is given follows-

  1. Compression:
    • Orc: Generally provides better compression compared to Parquet. This is because Orc uses lightweight compression algorithms that are optimized for columnar storage, resulting in smaller file sizes.
    • Parquet: Offers good compression as well, but Orc often has a slight edge in terms of compression efficiency.
  2. Performance:
    • Orc: Tends to perform well in terms of read and write performance, especially for analytical queries. It has features like lightweight indexes and predicate pushdown that can enhance query performance.
    • Parquet: Also performs well, and the performance can vary depending on the specific use case and the processing engine being used.
  3. Compatibility:
    • Orc: Historically, Orc has been associated more with the Apache Hive ecosystem, but it has gained broader support and can be used with other processing engines.
    • Parquet: Widely supported across various big data processing frameworks including Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache Impala, and others.
  4. Schema Evolution:
    • Orc: Supports schema evolution, allowing users to add or remove columns without needing to rewrite the entire dataset.
    • Parquet: Also supports schema evolution but might require more consideration and planning in certain cases.
  5. Metadata:
    • Orc: Stores metadata information within the file footer, which can help with better optimization and query planning.
    • Parquet: Also stores metadata, and the metadata organization can contribute to better performance.
  6. Open Standards:
    • Orc: Developed by the Apache Software Foundation and is an open standard.
    • Parquet: Also an open standard and is part of the Apache Arrow project.
  7. Tooling and Ecosystem:
    • Orc: Integrates well with the Hadoop ecosystem, and tools like Apache Hive and Apache Impala have good support for Orc.
    • Parquet: Widely adopted across the Hadoop ecosystem and beyond, with support from various processing engines and tools.

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